- San Francisco Company
- sold out
- Ciaopanic X Bemidji Woolen Mills (F)
- sold out
- The Hill-side card wallet
- sold out
- sold out
- Blanket shoulder bag
- sold out
- Denim shoulder bag
- sold out
- Neighborhood (F)
- sold out
- The Real Mccoy's (F)
- sold out
- Polo by Ralph Lauren (F)
- sold out
- Freak's Store harris tweed (F)
- sold out
- Battenwear (3color)
- sold out
- The Hill-side wallet
- sold out
- CA4LA knitting pedora hat (57)
- sold out
- Filson double mackinaw cap
- sold out
- Louis Vuiton long wallet
- sold out
- Harris tweed hat made in France (57)
- sold out
- 50's Canada army cap (7 1/2)
- sold out
- Joe Mccoy Casquette (7 1/2)
- sold out